Not all RVs are Equal

Only Buy an RV with

All Eligible RVs are Protected for Life at


We are proud to list our partner dealers so you can find outstanding RV’s where Peace of Mind Comes Standard with RV Warranty for Life.   If you are in the market for a motorized RV, travel trailer, 5th wheel or pop-up – buy from a dealer that protects.  These dealers include RV Warranty for Life on all eligible RV purchases.


Our coverage is here to ensure your vehicle works when you need it the most – during your travels. (Please see the agreement for specific terms and conditions of coverage.) 

Because RV Warranty for Life is included as part of your RV purchase, we cover as much as we can, but suggest – for additional protection – you talk to your dealer about a service contract and other solutions that are designed to provide more protection.


Air Conditioning, Heating, Kitchen Appliances, Suspension, Brakes, LP Gas, Suspension, etc.

Unlimited Time
Unlimited Miles


Register your RV and keep up on the maintenance and you’ll be covered for a lifetime of RV experiences!


Need a rental while a repair is being performed? We got you covered!

Dealers that Protect

These dealers are dedicated to offering quality RVs with outstanding protection and offer RV Warranty for Life on all eligible vehicles.  

With a lifetime of coverage, where will your DEALER needs take you?

Adventure Camper Sales

Brown's Camping Sales

Country Camping Corner

Chesapeake RV Solutions

Open Roads Complete RV - Woodstock, GA

Open Roads Complete RV - White, GA

Columbus Camper Center